In LaTeX, you can use _{}
for subscripts and ^{}
for superscripts.
Examples: 注意前后要加$
1. **Single Subscript**:
$ x_{i} $ ,
2. **Single Superscript**:
$ x^{2} $
3. **Subscript and Superscript Together**:
$ x_{i}^{2} $
4. **Complex Expressions**:
$ x_{i+1} $ and $ x^{n+1} $
Combined Example:
Here is a more complex expression with both subscripts and superscripts:
$ a_{n} = b^{n} + c_{i} $
Fraction Example:
1. **Simple Fraction**:
$ \frac{a}{b} $
2. **Fraction with Expression**:
$ \frac{n(n-1)}{2} $
3. **Fraction with Powers**:
$ \frac{x^2}{y^3} $
4. **Fraction with Subscripts**:
$ \frac{a_{n}}{b_{n+1}} $
5. **Fraction with Complex Numerator and Denominator**:
$ \frac{x_{i+1} + y}{z_{j} + w} $